Monday, April 25, 2016

Lesson Plan Building

Our class was asked to think of one book over spring break that we think should be included in high school English curriculum and how we would go about teaching the book. 

I had chosen the book The Uglies by Scott Westerfield, which is a series of books about a community of 'uglies' and 'pretties'. I explained to the class that I would like to ask my students what they think is the appropriate definition of "pretty" and what society defines as "pretty". I would then have my students write free writes and journals throughout the semester of reading the book. Then at the end of the lesson plan, I discussed that I would have my students do a final project on how society portrays those who are considered 'pretty'. There are so many companies that portray models in their ads as skinny and "perfect" but that's not how they look or any regular person. 

I really liked this assignment because it gave me the chance to really think about how I would teach my students and to put a mini lesson plan together in order to get experience as a future teacher. 

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