Monday, April 25, 2016

Teacher Observation

A couple weeks ago I shadowed Mrs. Alburtus at Portage Central High School! She teaches both honors and regular 9th grade English!

I was a little nervous at first but after I walked into her classroom she was so sweet and very welcoming. I got there a little early before any of the other students had arrived and I got to talk to Mrs. Alburtus for a short time about my major and what classes I was taking this semester.

Once I had observed about 3 classes it was clear that each class between the honors and regular English classes were very different. The material was all the same but each class of students was extremely different. The way that the material was taught between the honors and regular classes was the most different. Obviously since it was honors and regular classes I had figured that each class would be different but I thought it was interesting how much guidance that the regular classes were given compared to the honors classes. The regular class was given a graphic organizer for an assignment where they had to pick one character from Romeo and Juliet and give them 2 pieces of advice on what they could have done differently throughout the play. 

I really liked being able to get the chance to observe an English teacher specifically because Mrs. Alburtus gave me a lot of really good advice. She had told me some things that were a little discouraging for example she said, "I think you should consider a different profession because teaching is becoming very demanding and I'm worried for future teachers." I know that teaching is very demanding and it definitely doesn't get the credit it deserves but I tried to not let her comment discourage me too much because I have wanted to be a teacher for so long. Overall though I had such a great experience at PCHS and I would more than likely go back again if I could for something like student teaching or even another teacher observation/interview. 

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