Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Reader's Response

After reading chapter 3, The Dimensions of the Reader's Response, from You Gotta BE the Book, I read through each method that Jeffrey Wilhelm had discussed. I related most to the cued response protocols and the visual protocols because I am mainly a visual learner and I know that most students are also so I think that it would be helpful for them as well to use these methods the most. 
I also found it interesting how Wilhelm discussed how you relate to characters in a story. I have had many experiences where I read a story and have visualized characters and the scenery in the story. I related this back to the chapter where Jeffrey Wilhelm talks about the importance of visualization in the classroom and how it can keep students engaged in reading. 

Some of the "classroom research methods" that Wilhelm discussed using with his students are as follows:
1. that it offered a window into my students' reading processes
2. that is fit naturally into the life and flow of the classroom, being accepted by students as something interesting and even fun to pursue
3. that it was pedagogically useful, providing students and myself as the teacher with empowering ways of seeing, knowing and studying, and sharing ourselves as readers and learners. 

I thought that these methods were really helpful as a student studying to become a teacher! I also found an article from Purdue Owl on Reader Response Criticism!

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